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Yay!  I love my new purple blouse!

Now if only it were warm enough to wear it!

Here’s the pattern I used:


Lots of cute details here . . .


I went for the solid back and the shorter length.



I had a hell of a time deciding which size to cut.  No finished hip measurement was given and the hip wasn’t marked on the pattern pieces.  Come on, New Look, us pears can’t fit things using the bust measurement!

In the end, I just decided to assume that the amount of ease in the bust would be the same in the hip area, crossed my fingers, and cut.  And it fit great!

The only other change I made was to add an inch in length (DEFINITELY the first time I’ve ever done that!) as the blouse otherwise would have ended right at my Fat Storage Area (a.k.a., abdomen).

As my fabric was stretchy, crinkled, a bit loosely-woven, and shifty, I took the pattern’s advice and marked the pleats with basting.  Not hard, but took approximately forever.


(BTW, since we’re talking about forever, I might mention here that this gauzy cotton has been in my stash for 15 years or more.  It’s one of the many relics I have from the last period in my life when I did a lot of clothes sewing.  It’s so old that it had some faded spots on it from poor storage.  😛 )

I find Simplicity instructions to be really clear and this pattern was no exception.  I like the plain English that they use–“X should extend 5/8″ from the edge of Y,” rather than Butterick’s “match the large dots,” which tends to make me all crabby as I paw through pattern pieces looking for dots.

I did have some trouble with the collar, but I think that was mostly down to the shifty nature of the fabric–I had to do some seam ripping, but got it to work in the end.



Those are shell buttons from the stash.  And look at the buttonholes!  My sewing machine has been refusing to do buttonholes for a while (NO THANK YOU I WILL JUST NOM THIS DELICIOUS FABRIC INSTEAD), so I tricked it into sewing them by just doing two lines of close zig zags and hand sewing bar tacks on the ends.


Guys, I am so happy with this!  It totally ticks the boxes of what works for me:  bright color, cotton fabric, and interesting details at the shoulder/boob area.  The fabric is so light and airy, it’s one of those rare cottons that doesn’t need ironing, and it actually has enough drape for the pattern.  I can’t wait for the summer heat!