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WIP = Work in Progress

Hello and happy Wednesday!

I hope you are well and getting some lovely spring weather and maybe making a few things, too!

I’ve had a pretty productive week here and it came about more or less by accident.

You see, I’ve had fun, bright, comfy knit fabrics on the brain and have been entertaining myself by putting them together in different combinations in my head.  I had so much success with my last couple of knit tops that I’ve been itching to make more things that fit well and feel great.

Then, early last Saturday morning, my honey and I were talking about the long Memorial Day weekend ahead, and he asked me how I planned to spend it.  And my mind immediately went to–not all those lovely, colorful knits–but this ugly mess in the corner of my sewing room:

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Return of the Mending Pile of Doom (and that’s the Ironing Pile of Doom right below it).

Yes, it’s actually gotten BIGGER since I vowed recently to finally deal with it.

So I decided I was going to finally tame it over the weekend.

Most of it was tedious stuff, so I won’t bore you with it, but one job was an interesting one that I thought I would share:

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I had two of these purple towels that were still in good shape, but the edges were getting frayed.  So I put a scrappy binding on them.

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I trimmed the towels a little to remove the frayed edges and the bulky original binding.  Then I sewed on 2 1/2″ strips just like a quilt binding, except that I did the final seam by machine (I do my quilt bindings by hand, just because it turns out a little neater that way).

Here’s how they look in the linen closet.  Cute, huh?  Definitely an upgrade!


So, by my count, I mended 9 items, and ironed several more, and here’s the pile now:

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Not all done, but much better.  I definitely need to get back to my schedule of mending one item after I finish sewing something, so that I don’t let that mess get out of control again.

In the meantime, though, I’m going to take a break to make myself a new car garbage bag with these:

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I deserve it after all the car drama we’ve had here over the last few months.

I told you a while ago that I was in a hit-and-run accident, right?  Well, it turned out my little Kia was totalled (SOB), and my honey and I decided to go a while before replacing it.  Then, a few weeks ago, what happened?  It was HIS turn to have an accident, and his car had to go into the shop for three weeks.  So we decided to move up the purchase of a second car, and this was the result:


New wheels!  Time to make a pretty new garbage bag for my new ride.  And maybe it will make me feel a bit more positive about driving–nothing like TWO accidents in the span of a few months to crank up your driving anxiety.  :/

Anyway, have a great week, make yourself something that makes you smile, and be sure to look before you change lanes.