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(Sunday Sevens is a weekly blog series of pictures from our everyday lives.  I blame Natalie of Threads and Bobbins.)

I had a pretty productive week, with lots of sewing and some work on the mending pile, but there’s still plenty on the “to do” list to keep me busy next week.  A new cycling bag has also been requested . . . .

Monday’s task was to deal with this:


Sunday’s roast chicken and side dishes became chicken pot pie and stock for the freezer.

Tuesday was Physical Therapy day for my mother, so I took the opportunity while I was waiting to work on my hand applique quilt block.


Here’s one of the finished ones:


There are four of them and I’m currently working on number three.

Wednesday was a free day at Washington state parks, so I went over to Sacajawea State Park in Pasco to take a walk.  A corner of the park had been turned into a baby goose nursery, so I tried to get the best pictures I could without disturbing the very vigilant parents.  Please enlarge this and squee along with me:


Bonus shot–I like the juxtaposition of old and new here:


I took my mother out for a walk on Thursday.  We went to Zintel Canyon Park in Kennewick, which has to be the soggiest place in eastern WA that is not actually a river.


This picture is a fair representation of my life:


BTW, the white embroidered fabric I had planned to use for a blouse turned out to be narrower than I thought and there’s no way that pattern is going to work.


Any ideas you may have would be most welcome.

Saturday, partner went out on his bike and I worked on my Yellow Submarine blouse.

I can just put this on the shirt and nobody will notice, right?


I may have been a bit distracted when I sewed this collar.

Have a great week, everybody, with plenty of sewing mojo.  May your collars be . . . better than mine.