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I am trying really hard to be positive here, and not let on how grumpy and harrumphy I am feeling these days, but GOOD RIDDANCE JANUARY with your 30 days of gray and drizzly weather.  And, SWEET JESUS, if I see another fucking Facebook post about the fucking sportsball, I am going to LOSE MY SHIT.

That was positive, right?

On to February, which I have just decided is going to be MUCH BETTER THAN JANUARY!  We will continue to soldier on here and hope for the best.

On to happier things.  Like this lovely curry I made this week with chicken and veg.  I love, love, love the sauce recipe here, but I’ve had to reduce the curry paste a bit for the delicate palate of the resident Brit.  (I’m from California, so can take a little more spice.)


Pooh butt fringe.


Still life with travel bag straps.  Unfortunately, my entire sewing room looks about this tidy right now.  😦


I got some kitchen projects done this week, including chopping a mess of fresh ginger in the food processor and freezing it (with some water) in 1 tablespoon portions for later use.  Super handy, as I am not a speedy cook and need all the help I can get.


From Thursday’s walk with my mother.  We were mobbed by 8 well-fed squirrels who obviously have humans all figured out.


Shelby is sure those drops of water are up to something.


All you sewers, take a good look at the zippers on the side of my bag.  Notice anything strange?  Yep, I am a genius and accidentally bought AND PUT IN 6 separating zippers into a travel bag before I noticed that they are separating zippers.  I blame it on January.


The good news is–and we’re focusing on the positive, right?–that the bag should be finished today and I’m really happy with it.  YAY!  Then I can finally finish my partner’s vest and it’s on to new projects!

Have a great week, everybody, and hang in there.